The Nanodrizas are 13 floating autonomous robotic artifacts forming a network of wireless sensors, which measure, in real time, the water environmental conditions, transmitting data to local decentralized systems and Internet applications for interpretation, visualization and analysis, establishing a radio frequency communication network, satellite Internet and GPS. As a consequence, they intervene the space with synthesized sound and release bacterial and enzymatic remedies in situ.

Nanodrizas, inspired by science fiction, have the shape of a flying saucer, that besides being a direct referent, give an ideal exposed surface for the collocation of photovoltaic cells to capture solar rays for energy harvesting, together with ultra capacitors and lithium batteries, so as to provide the electronic and autonomy system’s needs.

The interaction between the Nanodrizas is given because of the contextual analysis response, since this has a direct influence on the direction, velocity and movement empiric rationality that they have, performing a choreographic flow with specific audible characteristics, potentialized by assignation to readings carried out by the sensors.

The auditory interaction or informational sonification related to the analysis, is done through generating processes of audible dynamic events, with an electronic characteristic and manufacture, these are amplified which intervenes the atmospheric environment of the flow, with high pitched micro-tonal resonances, as well as low pitch oscillations, that seek to make the watery medium resonate in frequency.

Nanodrizas communicate with each other through the use of a particular radiofrequency, establishing a wireless sensor network which sends readings to a master center that documents and reinterprets the action in a numeric level, thus establishing communication with the digital environment through the Internet.

These floating devices are planned as a radiofrequency communicative network, each of them is a node that transmits and receives censed data; they are structured as operative artificial species because of their relation with the environment as well as the group answer to the environmental phenomenon.

By sharing the analyzed information, Nanodrizas create a symbiotic network of mutual benefits that is reflected in the Internet as one more of the aesthetic, tactic and conceptual sub-products generated by the intention of recovering the tributaries of contamination.

Parallel to these sensorial and formal phenomenon of the processes of the microelectronic established as aesthetic functions, the social conjuncture is exercised as a metaphor of the processes related to essential reactive conducts, as a biological response to mechanical and electronic processes induced by the system, since Nanodrizas are equipped for the dispersion of bacteria corpuscles, into specified censed areas of the pond.

Nowadays, the scientific implementation of biotransformation possibilities of the matter executed by certain type of bacteria, enzymes and fungus to remedy the water and earth pollution is larger, in a natural manner and according to the environmental needs. Bacteria are a very extensive study field where scientific researchers and experimenters have enquired the possibility of its genetic modification and the capacity of encrypting a code in their DNA, as a result of the biotransformation they have achieved the energy generation by using biotic cells.

Ponds, channels, lakes and rivers with polluted water are the result of the environmental impact which man’s presence has produced: industrial activities, population growth, lack of environmental politics, social lack of interest, among others. For this project these spaces are essential, that if from the beginning they had been natural life systems, now they are deposits of polluted waters, despised and ignored by society.

The individual intention of the processes executed by the Nanodrizas is immersed as an holistic communicative process, the purpose of the sound activity is, on the one hand, a formal solution of tactile communication with the spectator, and on the other, one of communication with the watery system when it emits representative sound waves of the environmental condition to the system itself. The intention, when using bacteria, seeks to also be communicative to the watery medium.
The use of different bacteria crops is sought, so that its function would be to reestablish the system.
Nanodrizas, in this first stage, use organic matter as the reconstituent element of the affluent, looking forward to using it in the future, combined with specific machinery (MEMS), a product of nanotechnology.

The name Nanodrizas has its origin in the union of two terms: “Mother ship” and “nanotechnology”.

Mother Ship: in Sci-fi argot, mother ships are flying machines that have smaller ships inside of them, used for specific labors.

Nanotechnology: the study, design, creation, synthesis, manipulation and application of materials, machines and functional systems by way of matter control in nanoscale, and the exploitation of matter phenomena and properties at nanoscale.

In current research, the reference to nanotechnology is very frequent; it is debatable that certain aspects of nanotechnology are a reality nowadays. The actual progress can be labeled as “Nanoscience”.

The scientific fiction has managed to futurize the potential of possibilities for the transformation of the matter in a molecular level, and the use of these possible mechanical contractions. Both in medical science as well as in environmental science by developing micro machines with the ability of eliminating impurities of the vital liquid.

-Nanometer is the millionth part of a millimeter. Nano is used as a prefix in the formation of words referred to nanotechnology, like nanorobot.


TESTS WITH THE FIRST PROTOTYPES Contancia river. Puebla, Mx. 2006